UNIPROF Solary Wagner & Co dane kontaktowe


Mounting System TRIC F for Flat Roof and Industrial Roof Installation
  • Aerodynamically optimized
  • Lightweight, fixed mounting angle 25°
  • Installation without penetration of roofing
  • Set of 3, incl. installation material and cable fixations
  • Concrete slabs or plates to be provided on site
TRIC F Flat Roof


Panel frame width

Part no.

For wide panels

940 - 1000

219 050 67

For narrow panels

790 - 865

219 050 66

Protective Underlay for TRIC F pro
  • Roll, 12,500 x 100 x 6 mm (LxWxH)
  • Per set of 3 TRIC F pro one roll is required

TRIC F pro protective underlay

Part no.

Roll standard

290 200 08

Roll aluminum laminated

290 200 09


Tric F pro

Kontakt i adres

UNIPROF - Solary słoneczne

ul. Jaworowa 7
83-200 Starogard Gdański

tel. +48 602 29 42 55
fax. +48 58 56 10 285
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